Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

karena lagi kangen nulis disini jadinya aku nulis lagi

Emang manusia ya. 

Wishlist #1 udah dicoret nih ceritanya, tapi kemudian nambah lagi listnya. Begituuuuu aja sampe kertasnya abis. 

Jadi, atas ijin Allah dan atas kuasa-Nya, doaku yang aku tulis di postingan ulang tahun kemaren udah terkabul. Alhamdulillahhhhhh

"I just hope I can increase my GPA by a number or more. It's depressing to think about it. Imagining the lecturers and the sins I've made in the process of my study. Oh hell no I've done a lot of unthinkable mistakes. Please, God, it's about time my GPA shines as bright as the stars."

Itu yang aku tulis dua bulan yang lalu. DAN GUESS WHATTTT? IPK aku naik! :"))) By 0,3xx! Alhamdulillah banget subhanallaahhhh. Liat itu tuh rasanya kayak beban di pundak ilang semua. Lega banget sampe mau muntah.

Dan ada satu lagi wish yang udah kesampean. Akhirnya aku dapet laptop. Laptop gak baru sih, Ayah dapet dari kantor katanya. Tapi lumayan lah ya, masih bisa digunakan dengan baik meskipun batere agak bocor dikit. Dikit. Yes. 

Ok, sampe lupa tadi mau nulis apa :( sedih

I wanna write about the things I did for the last two months.


Dan kali ini aku nulisnya bener-bener merhatiin grammar, vocab, plot, dan segala tetek-bengeknya yang DULU gak aku perhatiin sama sekali. Aku postnya di Archive, dan ya Allahhhh ternyata banyak yang suka aku seneng banget sumpah! Dan yang komen tuh writer-writer favorit aku yang Works-nya aku subscribe! Dan kudos yang aku dapet lumayan lah ya, pretty average but I'm pretty confident to say that I've improved by a lot!

DAN! JADWAL SEMESTER 5 AKU! holyshitmanthisisprettyfckedup ;;;;

Aku pulang ke rumah itu kayak buat mandi sama tidur doang. Bener-bener gak ngapa-ngapain lagi selain itu. Aku pengen banget ngekost atau ngontrak sama temen-temen. Tapi bilangnya ke orang tua itu loh agak berat gimanaa gitu. Udah UKT segitu gedenya, mau nambah ngeluarin duit kost lagi tiap bulan -_- bisa-bisa aku gak dikasih duit jajan lagi. Aku sampe bosen ditanyain "Lah? Jauh banget dong transport dari rumah ke kampus? Gak capek? Dari rumah berangkat jam berapa? Kalo macet? Gak mau ngekost emang?"

Sumpah sampe eneg dengernya :(

Aku juga pengen cerita yang laen-laen tapi sifatnya internal banget jadi gausah lah ya. Aku sendiri gak nyaman ceritanya. 

Gitu aja


Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

eye candy. (2) (csc - ksy)

Just wanna show the world how amazing these boys are.
I'm not going to say too much (I won't say anything actually)
Note: Stan Seventeen. Stan Talent. These boys are not all about looks or heights or some kind of that bullshit, these boys are talented as fuck you'll be ashamed!

let's just quit

I feel like shit these days. I might appear very fine. Too fine, actually. I wake up at 8, skip breakfast, watch comedy shows, play twitter, not socializing with anyone, eat dinner, read fictions, then I'll call it a day. Since the new semester isn't gonna start anytime soon. 

But, the noise inside my head, the worries I keep in my heart, all the supposed-to-be-irrelevant thoughts, the uncomfortable bullshit in my guts, yikes! Sometimes I wonder if it's okay to just die. 

"What kind of crap are you talking about? You look fine and happy! You can't be that stressed out!"

Well, ya, what do you know about me? 

I never joke about 'stress'. It's a strong word to me. Don't play around using that term. 

Kamis, 14 Juli 2016




I'm here again and guess why? Yep, because today is my birthday and it feels weird to not post anything in this.... full-of-cobwebs blog. I feel kinda sorry for abandoning this ship(?) for how long? Almost a year? Oh my God.

I look back at the time when I used to post thrice a day. What the hell man what did I do in my life before that I got that much of a free time to blog?? Right. Middle school. Puberty, first love, tryhards, and all that shit.

Ok. Back to the main topic of the day.


Does that mean I will face my midlife crisis, soon? Too early for that? Who knows?

I can't believe I can't say shit like "Hell yeah I'm still 19 years old, brah!" anymore. (lol but that sounds really stupid what did i think) I'm kinda sad. Good bye, 10s.

Look at me look at me look at me I'm kinda childish if you read this entry but believe it or not, I'm a pretty cool and chill girl in real life. Turning 20 does not do shit in my life tbvh. Age doesn't change anything. People does. I guess. Idk much about life but I do know enough to keep me sane and open.

Ok, now, what do I want for my birthday?

I just hope I can increase my GPA by a number or more. It's depressing to think about it. Imagining the lecturers and the sins I've made in the process of my study. Oh hell no I've done a lot of unthinkable mistakes. Please, God, it's about time my GPA shines as bright as the stars. I cannot wait much longer. I will become an intern next year so please :-(

And another thing I want is.... for my family to stay healthy..... and healthier if that's possible (and getting wealthier) (it's all about the $$ anyway) (what's new) (tuition fee is the shit I want to sue somebody)

And I need a fucking driving license!

Oh, and I want a brand new laptop. LOL. Really. I want it and I NEED it. There, I put in the keyword. The main point.

Bangsat ah pake bahasa Indonesia aja, udah malem ini ngetiknya keburu ngantuk gak bisa mikir banyak. Huhu

Intinya bersyukur aja sama Yang Maha Kuasa udah dikasih umur panjang dan semoga barokah. Semoga di umur yang ke-20 ini, Nanda bisa jadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi, jadi lebih mandiri dan dewasa, bisa menjalani sisa-sisa proker dengan lancar, bisa lebih membanggakan orang tua, dan yang penting jangan sakit-sakitan. Dah. Itu aja. Sisanya pokoknya yang baek-baek aja lah ya masa doain orang yang jelek sih kan ntar backfire wkwkw


Udah itu aja


(btw, lu tau yang pertama kali ngucapin selamat ulang tahun siapa? kaskus! wkwkwkw how sweet!)

Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

it was lit, fam

I'm going to call this post: Rewind 2015. Rewind is the trend I suppose, so here is it

But i have a problem, my friend


brick me

So, 2015 is coming to an end. Hmm that was fast?? Happy New Year 2015 and then BOOM it's gone in a blink of an eye. It doesn't feel real ohmygod it's just an illusion i knew it we've been tricked!

All I remember is just how financially broke I am. HAHAHAH And I guess I read roo much astrology posts this year. I'm sick of it tbvh because you know what they ALWAYS say about cancer?!

"cancer will fucking cry!"

"they will cry"
"ohmygod they gonna die in misery"
"they gonna cuddle with you inside a warm blanket and gonna make you a hot chocolate with marshmallows on top of it"

Hell-fucking-o that is BS! Let me tell you what kind of cancer I am: I always have this bitchface when there are a lot of strangers, I'm a very sensitive chick yes I can't even argue properly gdi, DUH I'm basically an INFJ-T. Google it you will know

((why did i sound so angry in this post? nah probably just frustrated))

Ok, negative things aside, actually I feel so blessed this year. Less family issues, less friendship issues, less mopping over some unimportant shitheads; yep. The most stressful thing is exams actually. How I deal with my GPA, how I deal with my group projects, and a lot of new people.

And how I found a new love called SEVENTEEN. See my previous posts. I'm going crazy, seriously.

So.....2016 is coming. MEA is coming. (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN = ASEAN Economic Community)

FINALS IS COMING! That slapped me right on the face cz I need to study! I need to increase my GPA :-(

My wish for 2016 are:

1. Money. Loads of it.
2. GPA (we call it IPK) = > 3,3 at least
3. A better world. I mean it. I'm so sick with what happened in 2015. #PrayForHumanity
4. For everything to get better! Amen!

See ya.

ohmygod i need to change my header :-(

Sabtu, 28 November 2015

The Evolution: SEVENTEEN Hip Hop Unit

Hello. It's me. It's so typical of me to talk about myself..... SO NO I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT MYSELF LOL I'M GOING TO WASTE MY FREE TIME UPLOADING SVT PICTURES

(sorry for the Adele reference)

Here we go...

The evolution of seventeen hiphop unit aka visual unit aka "omg i'm so cool on stage but act ridiculously off stage" unit. 


Predebut days 


Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015

eye candy.

I don't have time to sum up how my life has been going for the past xx months so I come back bringing these cuties from the kpop industry :-)

left to right: jun, hansol, seokmin, seungkwan, hoshi, joshua,
coups, woozi, wonwoo, junghan, minghao, dino, mingyu

(damn that was one long ass intro)