Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Mental Person (kinda...)

I don't even know why I put his face on this post, though

This is a little fact about me: (I know this topic is boring and lame but...well, this is mine and I just want to share it) 

I like reading fanfic, and I currently in LOVE with MyungYeol so I start to read ones. You know, most of them are fluffy and too sweet until I chuckled to myself inside my room. Soon, I found it kinda creepy, well, just imagine it, someone who's laughing to himself inside his untouched-looking room. I look like a mental person, seriously, you would cringe if you saw me. Just to get a rid of that creepy feel, now I read those fanfics in the family room, with my family in and the comedy show on TV. So that I won't look all creepy and 'lonely' if I suddenly chuckle to myself.

Yeah, my way of life.

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