Jumat, 08 November 2013

A Not So Thoughtful Words

source: instagram

This shit was written during my Economy class. I was so bored and upset at that time so, yeah, this is it:

"Maybe there are a hundred of friends surrounding me; or maybe there are only 6, 7, 8 of them. But... I'm all alone. Yes, alone. I hate the silence. I hate being such a loner, but, do I have a choice? No? Well. 

Seatmate. Seat mate. The new and the old one; is a whole different thing, different person. It's like when you are eating an apple. You grab one and bite it, and it accidentally slipped from your hand and fall to the ground. Then you grab another, but when you bite it, it doesn't taste as sweet as before.

Isn't that...disappointing? 

It made me feel like escaping but, again, do I have a choice? Do I have a chance? School is like... 4 months left. 

And what's with those who says: 

You will never walk alone?

No shit, please. I do get enough".

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