Senin, 19 Mei 2014
Instagram itu ya...
Dulu, kalo pas habis kenalan sama orang gitu, kita bakal nanya: "Facebooknya apa?" kemudian seiring waktu berjalan, ganti lagi, "Username lo apa? Follow gue ya", dan sekarang, "Follow instagram gue ya?". Dan hal yang biasa terjadi adalah: Elo minjem hape temen lo, terus elo buka app Instagram, terus lo buka profile lo, lo like in semua foto lo yang ada disitu. Habis itu tinggal nunggu aja deh lo bakal dibunuh atau dicekek sama temen lo itu. Yeah? Yeah.
Instagram udah beberapa tahun terakhir ini jadi hal paling happening and we can't miss any single day without checking it. Entah mau upload foto-foto seru lo (makanan, tempet nongkrong keren, temen-temen unyu lo, family outing, date sama pacar, even your damn foot!), entah mau liat apakah seseorang tertentu update foto terbaru (uknowwhatimean), entah mau ngecek apakah olshop langganan lo upload produk terbaru, basically, everything you follow lah. Instagram emang tempat yang asik, gue akui itu. Foto-foto lo yang norak pun kadang bisa jadi sesuatu yang keren (gak juga sih, norak ya norak aja) karena dibantu dengan filter-filter yang disediain disitu. Cuma kayaknya sekarang ngetrend-nya pake VSCO, LUZMO, Pixlr-o-matic, Rhonna, sama Photogrid deh. Ya kan? Wkwkwk. Instagram lama-lama kehilangan fungsi utamanya.
Dan lo tau kan, Instagram is one of those annoying places where people judge brainlessly, where people advertising things oh so stupidly....anything whatsoever.
Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014
It still hurts (like shit)
credit: 10minutes |
Noooo I'm not going to reveal any of my privacy again (tho actually there is nothing to hide anymore since I already revealing too much), I will talk about *ehm* Infinite Sungyeol. Yes. The one and only Prince in the Far Far Away Kingdom under the endless rainbow with unicorns all over the hills. This is not a bullshit (at least in my dream).
I've been thinking about this since what? The first time I like him? Yeah. I guess. My question is none other than: "Why did he get the least line?" "Why did he stand on the very corner?" "Why did he dance on the very back?"
Still left unanswered. All of them.
I couldn't help but it hurts to see. When the other got a line and Sungyeol didn't. When the others got a solo shot and Sungyeol didn't. Why. Just why. Well, about me saying that Sungyeol got no solo shot it's not completely true, almost. The situation is nearly this way: Sunggyu (8 times) Dongwoo (6 times) Woohyun (8 times) Hoya (9 times) Sungyeol (4 times) Myungsoo (10 times) Sungjong (7 times). There! There has been absolutely a situation like that. I'm so upset I couldn't help it. He is like the most innocent person I ever met in my life *lies*. Blah, at least he is not faking anything and that's why he is more charming than anyone in the group for me (my opinion. idc bout urs). He has a very bright smile and it looks so innocent and pure and just like an angel. He is not denying anything about his mistake in the past. He is sincere. But, well, I love him but I couldn't deny the fact that he has an explosive character. He is ignorant (sometimes). He is careless and cannot take care of his body. What could I expect? He is a human, too. Everybody makes mistake.
Back to da topic guise. Okay, I hope that he will get more part in this album. Sajangnim said there is a member with improved vocals. Who could it be? I hope it's Sungyeol *le creys a river*. When I was writing this crap, I noticed that Melon released a video of Last Romeo MV making (idk man, making teaser?), I don't know I haven't watch it but when I scrolled down my tl I saw a tweet: Sungyeol got no solo shot dhdienediddldldk. What. WTF. Right when I was having a thought about him getting more shots and lines?! And then something popped up on the very top of my tl, well, Sungyeol's shot. When the others have (at least) 2, he only has 1. I don't know if there is more and just not revealed yet. Idk. Let's just wait and wish for the best of him (or woollim, if they are kind enough).
Selasa, 13 Mei 2014
#LastRomeo TEASER
It doesn't feel right if I didn't post anything due to Infinite's comeback. LOL
and don't forget, individual concept image
And the most important part:
What the fuck is that, really. I hope woollim is kind enough to give us more than one teaser. This is seriously a torture to release the teaser yesterday when the MV will be released on 21st. Just like what the other inspirits said, this teaser gave me 'The Chaser' feelings. What makes it different is just that there's actually a girl.
Space in Need
Ternyata liburan ini gak kayak yang aku kira.
Jalan-jalan bareng temen kesini lah, makan disitu lah, nginep, bikin graduation project lah, ujung-ujungnya emang gak sedikit yang gak terlaksana. Mungkin beberapa orang yang baca ini akan ngomong: "And whose fault is that?"
The fault is on me, if I could say that.
Mungkin aku gak bilang maaf whatsoever tapi ketahuilah, kalau emang kalian bener-bener nganggep hubungan kalian itu adalah sebuah persahabatan, kata-kata kayak terima kasih dan maaf itu gak seberapa perlu diucapkan. Karena teman sejati tau isi kepala kamu bahkan ketika kamu belum mengatakannya. Dan itu indah, dan itu gak perlu diubah, karena dari situ kalian tau seberapa besar nilai persahabatan itu buat kalian.
Bagus. Sekarang aku keliatan kayak nerd karena semua yang di atas itu based on the novels I read. Lol
Sekarang aku ngerasa bener-bener 100% anak rumahan. Too busy, too lazy, too afraid to go out; sepertinya sih gitu. Bahkan sesuatu yang nyaris mendarah daging kayak LINE sama Twitter, sebisa mungkin aku hindari. Aku butuh banyak space. Sebisa mungkin gak contact sama orang lain. I'm scared.
I believe that everybody has their own flaws and some people are good to just let it go. But here I am, too afraid to let everybody finds out mine. Too aware of the hatred that they might throw on me once they found out. Scary, isn't it?
I hope ppl understand.
bebas berekspresi series,
value plus
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